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Submission Instructions -- Submissions are Closed

All papers must be submitted by:
31 August 2006 at 11:59pm EDT
(1 September 2006 at 3:59am UTC)

Only full-length papers will be considered for HRI 2007. No poster submissions are possible. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and assigned for either oral or poster presentation.

Paper Format

All papers for the conference must be submitted in PDF format and conform to ACM SIG Proceedings specifications.

Please be aware that the proceedings will be printed in black and white (grayscale). Thus, if your paper contains color, we suggest that you verify that the figures or images reproduce well when printed in black and white.

Uploading the Paper

All submissions will be electronic and handled by the Precision Conference Solution (PCS) system. When your paper is ready to submit, please do the following:


Please address all questions to: