HRI Logo

2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

March 9-11, 2007
Tutorials and Student Graduate Workshop  March 8, 2007
Washington DC, USA

HRIWeb Community Forum
       The HRI community has created a community forum with blogs, discussion groups, and publications. This forum is available at
HRI2007 Photos
       A webpage has been created where links have been posted to photos taken at HRI2007 -- some from the conference, and some from the Washington DC area.  Enjoy!

HRI2007 Awards
       The award recipients for best papers, posters, and reviews are available here.

HRI2007 featured keynote speakers
March 9:
J. Richard Hackman, Harvard University, author of Leading  Teams and hundreds of other publications on team effectiveness,  leadership, and work design.
  Slides from his talk available here.

March 10:
Hiroshi Ishiguro, Osaka University and ATR, creator of the  world's most advanced android.

Robotics and Auotmation Logo

In Cooperation Groups
In Cooperation

Microsoft Robotics Studio Logo

iRobot Logo

Microsoft Robotics Studio Logo

Corporate Sponsors
Naval Research Lab

Idaho National Lab

Government Sponsors

Robots are, or soon will be, used in such critical domains as search and rescue, military battle, mine and bomb detection, scientific exploration, law enforcement, and hospital care. Such robots must coordinate their behaviors with the requirements and expectations of human team members; they are more than mere tools but rather quasi-team members whose tasks have to be integrated with those of humans. The Second Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction is dedicated to these and other issues in human and robot interaction (HRI). The theme of HRI 07, Robot as Team Member, highlights the importance of building core science and understanding the social and technical issues in human-robot interaction in the context of teams and groups. HRI 07 is an interdisciplinary conference with roots in psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence and robotics, and we invite broad participation. This annual event will be held in March 2007 in Washington DC .

Scope of the Conference

  • User studies of HRI
  • Experiments on HRI collaboration
  • Ethnography and field studies
  • Metrics for teamwork
  • Mixed initiative interaction
  • HRI foundations
  • Multi-modal interaction
  • Autonomy and trust
  • HRI group dynamics
  • HRI software architectures
  • Task allocation and coordination

  • Robot intermediaries
  • Lifelike robots
  • Remote robots
  • HRI communication
  • Robot-team learning
  • Assistive robotics
  • Risks such as privacy or safety
  • Individual vs. group HRI       
  • Organizational/society impact
  • Awareness and monitoring of humans
  • Implicit dialogue      

Who Should Attend

Researchers in robotics, human-factors, ergonomics, and human-computer interaction are invited to attend. Because human-robot interaction is inherently inter-disciplinary, the conference is seeking papers from several disciplines. A primary goal of the conference is to create a common venue for a broad set of researchers. By appealing to a broad set of researchers, the conference complements many existing venues.

HRI is a single track, highly selective annual conference that seeks to showcase the very best in human-robot interaction. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and assigned for either full or poster presentation.